
Purpose and Scope

Our system provides the implementation of two different sub-systems and can interface with the user through an on-line calendar and a mobile push-messages service. The first sub-system is composed by food and water automatic dispensers. Food is contained in a tube, which has sensors able to notice the amount of food and thanks to these sensors, the system sends a notification to the user. A mechanic actuator (an engine and a valve) manages the food dispensing. The user through the on-line calendar can schedule day-by-day time slots allowing the system to dispense food. A sensor under the food bowl allows the system to send a message to the pet's owner to control if the pet cosumed food. Water dispenser is a container, placed on the ground, with a pomp inside bringing water to the bowl. The water bowl has some sensors and the water pomp provides to fill the bowl when the water bowl is empting . The second sub-system is composed by a sensor placed under the pet's bed recognizing if the pet stay too long in the bed and activates a toy moving automatically and the pet can play.

Functional Requirements

Funcional Area Description
Setup System physical installation
Log The user has to login on a Google account
Notification The system sends to the user's phone different messages about food and water levels
Set-Time The user can set time slots to activates the dispensers
Automatic refill Water is automatically refilled by the pomp in the water dispenser
Pet's Toy The system automatically activates the ball

Log 1.1: Subscrive to a channel to receive notification

Log 1.2: Login on Google

Notif 2.1: Notification manager for food in the dispenser

Notif 2.2: Notification manager for food in the bowl

Notif 2.3:Notification manager for water in the dispenser

Refill the water 3: Automatic manager for the water level in the bowl

Set-time 4: Scheduling time slots

Pet's Toy 5 : The pet can play with a toy

Non functional Requirements

Operative system


Internet Connection

Space occupied