Why Yur safe Sun?

  • We are all aware that we are exposing ourselves to solar radiation during long periods of time more often than we should. This exposures can lead to skin and eye problems, from small moles to serious diseases including melanoma, blindness and other potentially fatal conditions. The truth is, most of this problems could be avoided using appropriate protection and avoiding extensive UV exposure. Yur safe Sun will be there everytime you are at risk, helping you to protect your body and your health from the adverse effects of solar radiation.
    • Target audience
  • The goal of the project is to reach the biggest audience possible in order to help develop a modern and advanced way of preventing and treating health issues. Anyone who's exposed to radiation is marked as a potential user of Yur safe Sun.

  • Purpose of the system

  • Yur safe Sun is conformed by a series of interconnected intelligent systems that working as a single entity are able to manage a health control environment that tries to prevent sun related problems. From a UV sensor node that can be embedded on a reduced device working in combination with a web application that is collecting weather data from a dedicated API, we will be allowed to determine the levels of radiation and activate mechanical protection systems in case it's needed: a parasol, and a hydration system.
    In addition, the history associated with each particular user is accessible through a web service that can be directly connected to physicians that can monitor patient's statuses.

  • Our Terms

    • Protection devices Mechanical systems that are activated in case of an elevated level of radiation sensed by the application.
      Parasol: a beach umbrella that protects from direct solar radiation.
      Hydration system: fan that blows air mixed with a steam of water.
    • UV data Values retrieved from sensing Ultraviolet radiation
    • Web API API that collects data from different sources and gathers all the information generating a json format message that is used by the application in combination with the sensing data.
    • Actors
      Any user exposed to UV radiation interacting with the app's characteristics
      Physician collecting information about a patient
      Parents monitoring child's radiation levels during beach day
      Research team working on sun related health issues

    Functional requirements

    • SETUP First configuration.
    • Setup.1 - Registration & Login. (Priority = 1)
      The application can associate the information collected by the sensor to the particular user, creating a "patient history".
    • CONFIG User personal settings.
    • Config.1 - Level of protection. (Priority = 3)
      Actor can select the mode of protection. Depending on this setting, the danger threshold will be higher or lower.

      Config.2 - User preferences. (Priority = 2)
      User can choose between activate or deactivate alert notifications when radiation reaches certain limits (temperature & humidity alert, sunburnt situation, long term diseases) .
    • ACTION The protection systems are activated in the following order.
    • Action.1 - Notification of excessive solar radiation. (Priority = 1)
      Action.2 - Activate parasol. (Priority = 1)
      Action.2 - Activate hydration. (Priority = 2)

    Non functional requirements

    • Portability.1 Supported devices Smartphones running Android version 5.0 or newer with internet connection.
    • Reliability.1 Powered devices The device must be powered on to perform the tasks.
    • Reliability.2 Power supply Battery for the activation of mechanical protection systems.
    • Usability.1 Language Default user interface: English.

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