Project Specifications


Purpose and Scope, Definitions, Requirements and Technical Specifications.

Purpose and Scope

The aim of the project is to improve the working terminal of the user thanks to devices which correct wrong postures of the body and give the possibility to regulate correctly the room’s brightness.

The system is composed by the following parts:
  • A wearable device with a set of accelerometers that get information about posture and a vibrator. The latter is activated by the system to alert the user of a wrong posture.
  • A light-sensor that senses the environment brightness.
  • A PC used as a data control unit of the entire structure. It is used by the user to start the system and it's able to show the data collected during the current session.
  • A website that shows all the statistics of the previous sessions and suggests the user how to improve his working terminal.



The personal working terminal: at home, in the office or in any room that can be personalized.
Wearable device
It is a T-shirt worn by the user during the study session. Some accelerometers and a vibrating device are placed on it.
“StSt” device
It is the union of the wearable device and the light sensor.
Computer Program
Program that controls all data received from the “StSt” device. It communicates with a server where data are stored. In this way, data can be accessed from the server.
Website of “Study Station”: used to show all the results to the user. It retrieves all data from the server
User Interface
Graphic interface that shows the data about the current session. Furthermore, it allows the user to start and stop the system.


Target user
A user who is approaching to study or work on his working terminal using “Study Station”.
A user that accesses software or website to execute the following actions: log in, start the study session, close the study session, get results of the data, log out.

Functional Requirements

  • Notifications.1 - A vibration warns the user to change posture every time it is wrong; a vibrator placed on the “StSt” device must generate the vibration. (Priority: 1)
  • Notifications.2 - Sound signals and displayed messages suggest user to modify the environment brightness; they are produced by the computer program. (Priority: 2)
  • Controller.1 - The computer program must give the possibility to start and stop “StSt” device computation. (Priority: 1)
  • Controller.2 - Data are visible in real-time on the computer program. (Priority: 2)
  • Statistics.1 - The computer program must provide statistics about data received from sensors about shoulders inclination and environment brightness of the current study session. (Priority: 3)
  • Statistics.2 - The website must show a report and a chronology related to all statistics collected during the previous study sessions. (Priority: 3)
  • Software - The computer program must have a user interface. (Priority: 2)
  • Log - The user must be able to log in/out the website (the website must be able to collect and retrieve data from more than one user). (Priority: 4)

Non Functional Requirements

  • Portability - The system must be compatible with Windows.
  • Usability - The system supports English language.
  • Reliability - “StSt” device needs to be connected to PC through USB and so it is necessary that the computer program runs during all the session.
  • Implementation -“StSt” device must be worn correctly by the user to work in the right way: sensors must be fixed, so it is necessary to implement a close-fitting wearable device or some kind of smart support.

Hardware Architecture

Computational Nodes:
  • Computer: data storage and data elaboration point
  • Micro controller: data elaboration point
  • Server: data storage and data elaboration point
  • Accelerometers: placed on the wearable devices
  • Light Sensor: placed on the computer case
  • Vibrator: placed on the wearable device
User interface devices:
  • Wearable Device (T-shirt)
  • User Interface Software on the computer
  • Website

Software Architecture

Hardware components

  • Arduino UNO
  • Light sensor: Adafruit TSL2561
  • 2 accelerometers: Adafruit 10 dof
  • Vibrator

Software components

  • Visual Basic Library: NuGet
  • Arduino Libraries: Adafruit_10DOF-master, Adafruit_TSL2561-master
  • Bootstrap 3.3.6
  • Python 2.7.11
  • Flask 0.10.1