Purpose and Scope

System Requirements and Specifications

The system proposed is helping patients suffering from panic disorder to better handle debilitating panic attacks in a domestic environment. Impending panic attacks are automatically detected through a heartrate sensor and appropriate management procedure commences consisting in:

  • Dimming the lights of the environment, creating a more relaxed atmosphere for the user as it has been found that fluorescent light may exacerbate the condition.

  • Instructing the user to breathe in a manner so as to avoid hyperventilation. Hyperventilation is a symptom of a panic attack where rapid shallow breathing is expelling carbon dioxide faster than the body of the person afflicted is producing it. Deliberate deep breathing exercises help rebalance the CO2 levels in the blood.

  • Playing relaxing music according to the preferences of the user. Many panic attack sufferers have indicated that their favorite type of music helps them better overcome a panic attack.

  • Diffusing a relaxing aroma in the room, helping reduce stress and anxiety.



Interface = Smartphone application used to collect the user’s preferences and feedback on the intervention.

User = Person afflicted by panic disorder

System = A group of sensors, actuators and devices that monitor the user, analyze information, and intervene in case of a panic attack.

Environment/ambient = The user’s room

Smartphone = Device that serves as an interface and a unique identifier for the user

Intervention = A series of actions that the system executes to help the user, for example playing music, dimming lights, etc.

Preferences = Refers to prefered lights and music settings set by the user


Panic disorder sufferers in a domestic environment, such as a student studying on his/her desk at home.

Functional requirements

The main Functional areas considered were

Functional Area Description
1 User login and registration
2 Interface
3 Sensing and analyzing conditions of the user
4 Action on the environment
5 Breathing control and exercises

And the requirements are as follows:

  • FR 1.1 Login
    • The users logs in manually to the system to be able to use it
    • Priority:1
  • FR 1.2 Registration
    • User registers to the system to create a connection between the smartphone and the system
    • Priority 1
  • FR 1.3 User detection
    • The system is activated automatically once the user is in range
    • Priority 4
  • FR 2.1 Preferences
    • User specifies preferences about the system’s intervention in case of a panic attack
    • Priority 2
  • FR 2.2 Feedback
    • The user gives feedback after each intervention. Based on the intervention’s efficacy, the next time, the system will have different settings.
    • Priority 4
  • FR 2.3 Intervention information
    • The user may monitor the heartrate during each intervention. Also the intervention may be manually terminated.
    • Priority 2
  • FR 3.1 Heartrate
    • The user’s heartrate is continuously monitored by means of a wearable sensor. If a sudden increase is detected, the intervention procedure commences.
    • Priority 1
  • FR 3.2 Breathing
    • The user’s breathing pattern is detected if the heartrate surpasses a certain level
    • Priority 4
  • FR 4.1 Music
    • Following the data analysis, the system switches on a stereo and plays some kind of relaxing music.
    • Priority 2
  • FR 4.2 Lights control
    • The lights in the room are controlled in order to create a more relaxing environment, according to the preferences of the user.
    • Priority 2
  • FR 4.3 Aromatherapy
    • A relaxing aroma is diffused in the room.
    • Priority 3
  • FR 5.1 Breathing exercises
    • The system helps the user throughout their panic attack through breathing exercises given by vocal instructions.
    • Priority 1
  • FR 5.2 Detection of user’s breathing pattern
    • The user’s breathing pattern is detected and analyzed, in order to improve and adapt the instructions of the breathing exercises to fit the current condition of the user.
    • Priority 5

Non-Functional requirements

  • NFR 1: Language
    • Description: The language of the system is English
    • Area: Usability
  • NFR 2: System Working Condition
    • Description: In order for the system to work, the user’s smartphone must be switched on, the user must be wearing the appropriate sensors and be logged in and in the house.
    • Area: Usability, Space efficiency
  • NFR 3: User Interface
    • Description: The user interface must be compatible with Android 4.0 or higher.
    • Area: Portability
  • NFR 4: Power supply
    • Description: The system needs to be powered at all times and the central system must be able to interact with the wearable sensors at all times.
    • Area: Reliability
  • NFR 5: System’s response time
    • Description: The system must be able to respond quickly as soon as it detects a panic attack.
    • Area: Efficiency
  • NFR 6: Sensor compatibility
    • Description: The sensors worn by the user must be compatible with the rest of the system.
    • Area: Interoperability

Open issues

  • Further research on breathing techniques to identify the optimal hyperventilation intervention strategy.
  • How to detect the user’s breathing pattern and adjust the instructions in real time.
  • Hardware needed to detect the user’s heartbeat in real time.